06 August, 2010

Wet season

My recent bout with illness(es) have left me a few kilos lighter. Now my child sized Holister jeans I brought from America hang off my behind and requires a belt to keep it respectable. We're fully into the rainy season which means a few things. Most of Senegal has transformed from a dusty sahara-like dune complete with sickly dry barren trees, to beautiful lush grasslands. This also means the spread of disease including infections, malaria, and all sorts of nasties bred in standing water. Nowadays when I bike around town it feels like I get a steam facial since I'm covered with humid sweat by the time I reach my destination. It's kind of cool, I think it clears my pores but I can't tell since I go days without seeing my reflection in a mirror. Yes, the wet season is lovely...especially from an air conditioned office in Dakar with high speed internet.