03 November, 2009

Finally at site!

I wrote this a while ago but thought I would post it as a tribute to the end of training and life in the village.
Number of vaccination shots received since staging: 8
Number of nights spent in the village: 36
Number of times I say "ca va" (how are you) on any day: 40
Number of people in my village family: 20
Number of family member's names I remember: 8
Number of languages my family speaks: 3
Number of people in my family who speak English: 0
Number of bucket baths taken: 60
Number of nights I've "sweated myself" awake: 15
Number of times I've thought to myself, this is the hottest I've ever been. No...now this is the hottest: Every day
Number of times I've been attacked by nuclear sized cockroaches: 3
Number of rats I've caught in my room: 3
Number of times I've ducked-taped my broken mosquito tent together: 6
Number of mosquito and/or insect bites on any given day: 20
Number of anti-malarial pills taken: 5
Number of times I seriously thought I had malaria: 1

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